# -------------------------------------------- # CITATION file created with {cffr} R package # See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/ # -------------------------------------------- cff-version: 1.2.0 message: 'To cite package "RcppIconvExample" in publications use:' type: software license: GPL-2.0-or-later title: 'RcppIconvExample: Rcpp Example of Using Iconv Offered by R' version: 0.0.1 doi: 10.32614/CRAN.package.RcppIconvExample abstract: Character conversion via the 'iconv' library is used by R itself, and can be accessed from compiled code relying on one standard header exported by R. This package illustrates this usage by building on and extending an earlier example in a blog post at . Rcpp is used only for its convenience of seamlessly building the package, and converting between character variable at the R and C++ levels. authors: - family-names: Eddelbuettel given-names: Dirk email: edd@debian.org repository: https://eddelbuettel.r-universe.dev commit: a51da3c99081e51fb4673a9fb74de40898525c4b date-released: '2021-03-06' contact: - family-names: Eddelbuettel given-names: Dirk email: edd@debian.org